Sell More Memberships EVERY DAY with tagJOIN™
- Proven Effective for Hundreds of Gyms and
Fitness Brands - Instantly Connect by Phone to Website Prospects --
An Industry Breakthrough - Track Marketing Spend/Source Like Never Before
A Revolution in Online Sales!
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- Proven Effective at Hundreds of Gyms/Fitness Brands
- Instantly Connect by Phone to Website Prospects- An Industry Breakthrough
- Track Marketing Spend/Source like Never Before Possible
A Revolution in Online Sales
"I was skeptical about selling memberships online, but today everything is sold online. We're glad we tried the tagJOIN™ system -- initial results have been very strong. This system even sends us contact info from prospects who start the join process but do not finish, so sales team members can call them up and finish the sale that would have been lost. This is a needed advance in the industry! Now with COVID and the desire for as little interaction with staff as possible while joining, the timing has been perfect to start selling online."
"The tagJOIN™ checkout system is great so far -- SALES are UP as are premium membership upsells online. A big part of our decision to go with tagJOIN™ was the ability to capture and convert abandon prospects who leave join pages before finishing membership, which has already proved its value! We are just now starting remarketing efforts (which we could not do before tagJOIN™) to these abandon carts which should even further improve online sales."
"We have definitely seen an increase in new members joining without even stepping foot into the gym first. tagJoin™, along with all of TAG's other lead generation tools, have really helped us keep our heads above water during this pandemic. Thank you, TAG, for giving us one more tool in our arsenal!"
"Our online sales were non-existent during the shutdown in March, April, and May 2020. Since we partnered with tagJOIN™ in June, we sold more online memberships the first 2 weeks in the height of the pandemic than we had the last 3 months combined -- even though there was no telling when we might reopen!"
Capture Millennial Buyers
Your Gyms Have Been Missing!
Today’s consumers buy almost exclusively online, but if your club’s online enrollment pages are antiquated or do not seem secure,
you will lose these vital prospects.
Gym memberships are emotional impulse purchases, so gyms must provide a safe and secure way to capture those moments of inspiration
— at any time of day or night — to maximize sales.
Purchasing a Gym Membership Online Has Never Been So Easy (or Fun)
tagJOIN™ supports and guides every prospect through the entire membership process, just as a live salesperson would.
Big fitness brands report up to 60% of new members joining online, and they’re selling 24/7, increasing revenue, and saving on sales commissions. Now your fitness brand can too.

Sell Memberships Prior to Club Visits
paid members before they even tour the
club. Selling memberships sight unseen has
been a major advantage for equity backed
and public fitness brands.
Full ROI Tracking to Eliminate Wasted Marketing Spend
Know exactly which creatives, campaigns and even keywords were so powerful that they led to online sales.
Only tagJOIN™ offers complete tracking all the way back to the keyword, to help you save most wasted marketing spend.

Identify Every Website Visitor with Purchase Intent -- Retarget Abandoned Prospects
Only tagJOIN™ allows you to identify every prospect from Google, Facebook, and Instagram to bring them back if they abandon the join process — and convert them to members.
Seamlessly Integrate with CRM Management Software
We can integrate with your CRM provider for effective follow-up.