Mobile Marketing

Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly?

Google now uses mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. Find out if your site is mobile friendly – call TAG today at 407-398-6629.


Your website may look fantastic when viewed on an iPhone, but you may be losing business if it’s not optimized for Google’s mobile-friendly algorithm. With 80% of the search engine market share owned by Google — and 90% of Google traffic being mobile — you can’t afford to miss this opportunity!

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Staying Power

Build loyalty to your brand with a mobile friendly website.

Today’s shoppers love a bargain, and the web makes comparison-shopping super easy. Eliminate the need for mobile users to search the web by implementing a mobile-friendly website. Potential customers will stay true to your brand if they don’t need to bounce to competitor websites.


Increase Traffic

Rapidly advancing technology offers users a lightning-speed experience – important to potential customers quickly searching for the goods and services they need. “Fast” is now too slow, and every second of loading time increases the potential for lost customers. Increase your conversion rate with a mobile-friendly website that offers quick, easy navigation.


Increase Conversions

Don’t lose customers because they can’t solve the check-out puzzle. Create a mobile-friendly, frustration-free transaction experience that offers a rapid, easy way to make a purchase.


See for yourself. Compare navigation between the mobile-friendly site and the example not properly optimized for mobile. The ability to scroll, zoom in/out, view content and click on the appropriate buttons means a world of difference to potential customers.