How Voice Search Shapes Search Behavior

Voice search is a market disruptor and poised to be the new search method for many users moving forward. Voice searches are getting answers in the here and now instantly. And the information given through smartphones and digital personal assistants, such as Alexa and Google Home, come from companies, just like yours. Voice search is yet another way users are finding content. Because this is much different than SERPs and social media discoverability, it’s yet another method of engagement with users that your content must cater to. Content strategies need to be updated to suit these new methods for SEO to best target users and their voice-activated searches. Due to the nature of how questions are asked in voice searches, the results will be different from short-term keywords that users may plug into a search engine to get results: “Hey Google. How do I cook a turkey?” vs. “cooking a moist turkey” For Google, the pressure is massive to provide the best results. For users, the expectations are sky-high. However, it’s important to keep one thing in mind. Voice searches are often a way to discover new things and get questions answered. It’s not always an end to a means. For example, these kinds of voice searches don’t always result in a transaction. The results provided by the voice request could give the user more information, but the final transaction may happen on a mobile or desktop device. This, in turn, affects the results given to users who are using this technology to get information. For business owners who are looking to reach those searching by voice, it’s important to tailor content to meet these users where they are. Most of the time, users are looking for quick information and answers. This could include, “what’s the weather like,” or “where is the closest gym to me?” Here are a few things to keep in mind:
  1. People don’t always have specific brands or companies in mind when they use voice search to get answers. You need to keep this in mind when you craft your content. While you may not be able to compete with brand-specific searches, you can fill the needs of everyone else.
  2. Localized searches are often done on these devices, meaning your SEO game needs to be on point if you are planning on showing up in these results. It’s competitive and your SEO needs to be optimized for local marketing.
  3. Understand that voice searches are often done while multitasking and its part of a regular daily routine. In other words, the search behavior is different (searches are done speaking natural language), as users are looking for quick, uncomplicated solutions – and often!
Since this technology is still rather new to the industry, it’s important to understand that what dictates voice search now, may change. Just as desktop and mobile searches, the algorithms for voice results may change as well. But it’s always good to be ahead of the game – and your competitors! If you’d like to increase your presence in voice search results, reach out today and let our team at TAG help you out!  

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