With smart speakers and virtual assistants becoming mainstream, voice search is now a popular way for people to find information online, which has significantly affected search engine marketing (SEM) strategies. Instead of typing short phrases, users can now perform searches by speaking longer, more conversational queries. This shift has major implications for search engine marketing...
Back in the day, comparison shopping meant flipping through the Yellow Pages or spending hours driving from place to place. Those days are long gone! Today we have more touchpoints than ever before, allowing us to search for products and services whenever and wherever it's convenient. From social media to websites and emails, the path...
In May 2020, Google launched Core Web Vitals (CWV), a set of performance benchmarks designed to enhance online user experience (UX)* and boost site performance. New standards were recently introduced, with metrics focusing on page load speed, responsiveness to user interactions, and content stability during loading. Meeting these benchmarks can improve UX and potentially elevate...