Did you know that prospects will happily grab a free offer, such as a free pass or a free personal training session? But that is not the same as joining as a paid member.  In fact, 80% of new leads never sign up to become a member after grabbing a free pass? And did you...
TAG Digital Marketing is proud to introduce tagCHAT™ - a fully customized chatbot that allows you to convert prospects into members, provide upsell opportunities to existing members and cut down on staff hours by reducing common questions answered by phone in the club. Chatbots are especially popular among younger generations, as millennials demand instant access...
Like many business owners, you’ve likely experienced that stall in the sales funnel when prospective members abandon your site without closing the deal. It’s no secret that almost every prospect can be ready to join your club at any time -- but how do you capture that sale at the right moment? It happens at...